tldr; KVM Forum organizers strive to create a positive environment that adheres to our Code of Conduct and respects privacy of individuals. That said, this is a public event and KVM Forum event organizers do not wish to discourage folks from taking and sharing photos and video during the event. Also, all sessions to be recorded and posted on our YouTube channel for archival purposes, unless otherwise explicitly requested.

Speakers and session recording

When you agree to speak at any KVM Forum event, you consent for your talk to be recorded in audio and possibly video format. All sessions are recorded by official KVM Forum or venue A/V staff. Additionally, you agree to permitting the recording and sharing of sessions by attendees of the event at large. If you do not wish for the audience to audio/video record, you are responsible for politely asking them not to record you before you start presenting.

We reserve the right to publicly distribute and publish these recordings under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.

Your session material, including content and recordings may be used in promotional activities and other related endeavors. This material may also appear on our web site, social media channels or other digital media controlled by the KVM Forum organizers.

As conference organizers, we cannot be all places at once and it is important for us to be able to review all material presented at the conference. For this reason, you may not opt out of having your talk recorded. However, if you wish, you may request that the session video not be published to the public or taken down (hidden) if otherwise already published. The organizers will, to the best of their ability, respect and honors all such requests.

By default, all sessions will be streamed live and archived for future playback on our KVM Forum YouTube channel.

Staff and attendee photography

When you register to participate at KVM Forum, you consent to be photographed by our official conference photographer, and to have those photographs published under a Creative Commons license and possibly used in various promotional material.

Additionally, we encourage attendees to take and share their own photographs. Thus, you also consent to allow attendees to take and share their own photographs, as long as the rules below are followed.

We will do our best to not make or share photos, videos or audio recordings public which could cause harm to the individuals shown/heard on them. If you do find such pictures/videos/audio recordings on one of our sites or accounts, please write to our, or to ask for review.

How to opt-out

If you do not wish images of yourself to be published, you may opt out by contacting the organizers on site or by email, and reasonable efforts will be done to accommodate your request.

How to report violations or issues

Please report an violations or issues with recording or photography directly on site, or by email at

Thank you to Linux Fest NorthWest, Open Source Bridge and DrupalCon, from whom this policy was heavily influenced.